Meat Processing Work
From the Bush Projects has chosen to focus on the meat processing industry for a number of reasons, all of which are ideal for our target group:
- The meat processing industry is relatively stable and based on a renewable resource. This is unlike the mining industry which is neither stable nor based on a renewable resource.
- It is a labour intensive industry, employing three unskilled workers for ever skilled worker. This enables them to employ group of young people.
- Meat processing plants operate on assembly-line technology. The work is highly structured and workers are closely supervised and supported.
- Meat processing plants offer full-time permanent employment.
- Meat processing plants generally provide good working conditions and good wages.
- Meat processing plants generally offer good training with a career structure. All of our young people are enrolled in Certificate II Meat Processing Work once they have completed their three months probation. When completed, they have the opportunity to enroll in Certificate III Meat Processing Work (boning) or Certificate III Meat Processing Work (slicing) or Certificate III Meat Processing Work (slaughtering).
- Meat processing plants generally maintain a good professional relationship with their employees.
- Generally speaking, our target group is accustomed to the slaughtering of wild animals for food, along with the accompanying sensations (sights, sounds, textures, and smells) involved in this sort of work. A number of them also have a historical connection to the pastoral (livestock) industry.